For instructions on how to authenticate to use this endpoint, see API overview.
Delete environments dashboards collaborators
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- dashboard_idinteger
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
- user__uuidstring
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:dashboard_id /collaborators /:user__uuid
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X DELETE \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:dashboard_id/collaborators/:user__uuid/
Status 204 No response body
Delete environments dashboards collaborators
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- dashboard_idinteger
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
- user__uuidstring
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:dashboard_id /collaborators /:user__uuid
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X DELETE \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:dashboard_id/collaborators/:user__uuid/
Status 204 No response body
List all environments dashboards sharing
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- dashboard_idinteger
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:dashboard_id /sharing
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:dashboard_id/sharing/
Status 200
{"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","enabled": true,"access_token": "string"}
List all environments dashboards sharing
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- dashboard_idinteger
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:dashboard_id /sharing
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:dashboard_id/sharing/
Status 200
{"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","enabled": true,"access_token": "string"}
Retrieve environments dashboards
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/
Status 200
{"id": 0,"name": "string","description": "string","pinned": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","created_by": {"id": 0,"uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f","distinct_id": "string","first_name": "string","last_name": "string","email": "user@example.com","is_email_verified": true,"hedgehog_config": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"role_at_organization": "engineering"},"is_shared": true,"deleted": true,"creation_mode": "default","use_template": "string","use_dashboard": 0,"delete_insights": false,"filters": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"variables": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"tags": [null],"tiles": [{"property1": null,"property2": null}],"restriction_level": 21,"effective_restriction_level": 21,"effective_privilege_level": 21,"user_access_level": "string","access_control_version": "string"}
Retrieve environments dashboards
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/
Status 200
{"id": 0,"name": "string","description": "string","pinned": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","created_by": {"id": 0,"uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f","distinct_id": "string","first_name": "string","last_name": "string","email": "user@example.com","is_email_verified": true,"hedgehog_config": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"role_at_organization": "engineering"},"is_shared": true,"deleted": true,"creation_mode": "default","use_template": "string","use_dashboard": 0,"delete_insights": false,"filters": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"variables": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"tags": [null],"tiles": [{"property1": null,"property2": null}],"restriction_level": 21,"effective_restriction_level": 21,"effective_privilege_level": 21,"user_access_level": "string","access_control_version": "string"}
Update environments dashboards
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
- descriptionstring
- pinnedboolean
- deletedboolean
- use_templatestring
- use_dashboardinteger
- delete_insightsboolean
- tagsarray
- restriction_level
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X PATCH \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/\-d name="string"
Status 200
{"id": 0,"name": "string","description": "string","pinned": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","created_by": {"id": 0,"uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f","distinct_id": "string","first_name": "string","last_name": "string","email": "user@example.com","is_email_verified": true,"hedgehog_config": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"role_at_organization": "engineering"},"is_shared": true,"deleted": true,"creation_mode": "default","use_template": "string","use_dashboard": 0,"delete_insights": false,"filters": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"variables": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"tags": [null],"tiles": [{"property1": null,"property2": null}],"restriction_level": 21,"effective_restriction_level": 21,"effective_privilege_level": 21,"user_access_level": "string","access_control_version": "string"}
Update environments dashboards
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
- descriptionstring
- pinnedboolean
- deletedboolean
- use_templatestring
- use_dashboardinteger
- delete_insightsboolean
- tagsarray
- restriction_level
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X PATCH \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/\-d name="string"
Status 200
{"id": 0,"name": "string","description": "string","pinned": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","created_by": {"id": 0,"uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f","distinct_id": "string","first_name": "string","last_name": "string","email": "user@example.com","is_email_verified": true,"hedgehog_config": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"role_at_organization": "engineering"},"is_shared": true,"deleted": true,"creation_mode": "default","use_template": "string","use_dashboard": 0,"delete_insights": false,"filters": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"variables": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"tags": [null],"tiles": [{"property1": null,"property2": null}],"restriction_level": 21,"effective_restriction_level": 21,"effective_privilege_level": 21,"user_access_level": "string","access_control_version": "string"}
Delete environments dashboards
Hard delete of this model is not allowed. Use a patch API call to set "deleted" to true
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X DELETE \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/
Status 405 No response body
Delete environments dashboards
Hard delete of this model is not allowed. Use a patch API call to set "deleted" to true
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X DELETE \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/
Status 405 No response body
Update environments dashboards move tile
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
- descriptionstring
- pinnedboolean
- deletedboolean
- use_templatestring
- use_dashboardinteger
- delete_insightsboolean
- tagsarray
- restriction_level
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id /move_tile
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X PATCH \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/move_tile/\-d name="string"
Status 200 No response body
Update environments dashboards move tile
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Path parameters
- idinteger
A unique integer value identifying this dashboard.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
- descriptionstring
- pinnedboolean
- deletedboolean
- use_templatestring
- use_dashboardinteger
- delete_insightsboolean
- tagsarray
- restriction_level
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /:id /move_tile
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X PATCH \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/:id/move_tile/\-d name="string"
Status 200 No response body
Create environments dashboards create from template json
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Path parameters
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
- descriptionstring
- pinnedboolean
- deletedboolean
- use_templatestring
- use_dashboardinteger
- delete_insightsboolean
- tagsarray
- restriction_level
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /create_from_template_json
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/create_from_template_json/\-d name="string"
Status 200 No response body
Create environments dashboards create from template json
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Path parameters
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
- descriptionstring
- pinnedboolean
- deletedboolean
- use_templatestring
- use_dashboardinteger
- delete_insightsboolean
- tagsarray
- restriction_level
/api /environments /:project_id /dashboards /create_from_template_json
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/create_from_template_json/\-d name="string"
Status 200 No response body
List all environments events
This endpoint allows you to list and filter events.
It is effectively deprecated and is kept only for backwards compatibility.
If you ever ask about it you will be advised to not use it...
If you want to ad-hoc list or aggregate events, use the Query endpoint instead.
If you want to export all events or many pages of events you should use our CDP/Batch Exports products instead.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Query parameters
- afterstring
Only return events with a timestamp after this time.
- beforestring
Only return events with a timestamp before this time.
- distinct_idinteger
Filter list by distinct id.
- eventstring
Filter list by event. For example
user sign up
. - formatstringOne of:
- limitinteger
The maximum number of results to return
- offsetinteger
The initial index from which to return the results.
- person_idinteger
Filter list by person id.
- propertiesarray
Filter events by event property, person property, cohort, groups and more.
- selectarray
(Experimental) JSON-serialized array of HogQL expressions to return
- wherearray
(Experimental) JSON-serialized array of HogQL expressions that must pass
/api /environments /:project_id /events
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/events/
Status 200
{"next": "http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100","results": [{"id": "string","distinct_id": "string","properties": "string","event": "string","timestamp": "string","person": "string","elements": "string","elements_chain": "string"}]}
List all environments events
This endpoint allows you to list and filter events.
It is effectively deprecated and is kept only for backwards compatibility.
If you ever ask about it you will be advised to not use it...
If you want to ad-hoc list or aggregate events, use the Query endpoint instead.
If you want to export all events or many pages of events you should use our CDP/Batch Exports products instead.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Query parameters
- afterstring
Only return events with a timestamp after this time.
- beforestring
Only return events with a timestamp before this time.
- distinct_idinteger
Filter list by distinct id.
- eventstring
Filter list by event. For example
user sign up
. - formatstringOne of:
- limitinteger
The maximum number of results to return
- offsetinteger
The initial index from which to return the results.
- person_idinteger
Filter list by person id.
- propertiesarray
Filter events by event property, person property, cohort, groups and more.
- selectarray
(Experimental) JSON-serialized array of HogQL expressions to return
- wherearray
(Experimental) JSON-serialized array of HogQL expressions that must pass
/api /environments /:project_id /events
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/events/
Status 200
{"next": "http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100","results": [{"id": "string","distinct_id": "string","properties": "string","event": "string","timestamp": "string","person": "string","elements": "string","elements_chain": "string"}]}
Retrieve environments events
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Query parameters
- formatstringOne of:
/api /environments /:project_id /events /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/events/:id/
Status 200
{"id": "string","distinct_id": "string","properties": "string","event": "string","timestamp": "string","person": "string","elements": "string","elements_chain": "string"}
Retrieve environments events
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Query parameters
- formatstringOne of:
/api /environments /:project_id /events /:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/events/:id/
Status 200
{"id": "string","distinct_id": "string","properties": "string","event": "string","timestamp": "string","person": "string","elements": "string","elements_chain": "string"}